Location Reviews

Here are all my favorite locations all around the world matching (mostly) the L.O.V.E. criteria: Restaurants, Shops, Hostels, etc...

Check out the *Top of the City* Restaurant. It's the one with most total L.O.V.E. Earths and the best overall experience - there can only be ONE in each city! (=red Heart Symbol)

Map LegendMenu Button(Click upper left button to open layers)

For each location, you will find a rating according to the L.O.V.E. logic, rated by 0 - 5 earths. Plus additionally a short review how good i liked the place (e.g. including taste, quality & service) - because just because it's very sustainable, sometimes doesn't mean that it's very tasty and cozy... To see the review on Google Maps or to see my pictures, klick on the link at the bottom.

The detailed logic behind the L.O.V.E. rating can be found here on my blog.
